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Philip II united Greece under Macedonian Hegemony.
Philip II, king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia located in the northern Greek peninsula, united the Greek city-states under his hegemony so that he could lead a campaign to conquer Persia. Whenever a Greek state became supreme, that supremacy entailed the depression of some states and the dependency or subjection of others. As the eminent historian, J.B. Bury writes, "Athens was reduced to a secondary place by Macedon, and Thebes fared still worse; As the hegemony or first place among Greek states had passed successively from Athens to Sparta, and to Thebes, so now it passed to Macedon".

Philip II of Macedon, the father of Alexander the great, was able to unite Greece through a combination of diplomatic and military skills along with good fortune. His tactical and strategic skills may be most important, yet it should be noted that he made use of favorable alliances when most advantageous to Macedon. The disunity of Greek city-states further contributed to their demise and Philip's success. After Philip II's assassination, his famous son Alexander the Great would take the united Greek army on to conquer the Persian empire all the way to India.

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7y ago
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Anthony Ludeman

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3y ago
this helped me from failing thx XD :)
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10y ago

because heis so hot and sexy

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jeremy gaming

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3y ago

because he was a king and wanted to fight other people because he think he can beat everyone

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13y ago

He was able to conquer them because the Spartans and athenians were just battleing for many years so they were a weak force

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