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Mecca - The city of Mecca grew in a well-protected valley at the crossroads of two long-distance trade routes. The routes stretched north and south between Yemen and the Mediterranean, as well as east and west between the Persia Gulf and the Red Sea. Travelers quenched their thirst and watered their animals at Mecca's fresh water well.

The founding of Mecca - Muslims believe that the founding and settling of Mecca is related to the story of Abraham and his son, Ishmael. According to Islamic teachings, Abraham and Ishmael built a cube-shaped shrine called the Ka'bah about 4,000 years ago. Islam teaches that Abraham was commanded to build the Ka'bah as a house of worship and a reminder of Abraham's firm belief in one God.

Ka'bah - Worshipers honored the Ka'bah and over time placed idols in it for safekeeping. They honored the gods in it by performing religious rituals. Although the Arab tribes still considered themselves to be descendants of Abraham, they introduced the worship of idols to the Ka'bah. By A.D. 500, there were more than 360 different idols in and around it. There were even some Christian pictures placed there. A tradition continued of visiting the Ka'bah and walking around it.

The Quraysh - The Quraysh, a local tribe, settled in Mecca sometime before A.D. 500. Their role as keepers of the Ka'bah gave them great prestige and helped them to make treaties with neighboring tribes. This ensured the safe passage of caravans during the months of pilgrimage (a journey to a sacred sight) and travel. The treaties prevented fighting and raiding during this time. By A.D. 500, Mecca had become the most successful trade center in Arabia, prospering from the flow of merchants and pilgrims.

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Q: How was Mecca different from other Arab trading cities?
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What items were traded between east Africa's trading cities and India and China?

ivory gold and other metals

How did trade affect people in Mesopotamia?

Commercial trading activities helped human history in many ways. Here are a few examples: 1. Trading helped the economic growth of human societies; 2. Trading acquainted peoples from different cultures; 3. Trading helped develop new ways of trading such as the improvement of trading ships and other vehicles such as railways; and 4. Trading was a force behind exploration to find new markets; improved trading was one of the missions that helped Europeans "find" the New World.

Why Mecca is important?

Mecca is a city of Muslim/Islam as an important and official religion. Islam prophet had an imortant part of mecca Mecca is the direction for prayer. --- Mecca is important in religious history. It is said that one son of Abraham is father of Jews, other one is father of Arabs, god made water rise for the Arab one in mecca.

Why people in early cities began to trade with other cities?

Trade began in early civilizations and their cities when a surplus of products lent to the idea of finding a market for these excesses. When cities could agree on the terms of trading, a commercial system was developed that helped all concerned.

Why didn't the Phoenician colonies unite?

When they settled in Syria-Lebanon, their different tribes formed independent city-states each with their separate land, city centre and government. These cities liked their independence and had no desire to submit to other cities.

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