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He was different from Catholics of his time, in that when he had questions about his Faith, he started his own religion, that conformed to his own personal beliefs - so, we may say he was a "trend-setter." Now, thanks to Luther, you may choose the faith that suits your needs

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That's easy: the Catholic Church has always - for two thousand years, or fifteen hundred at that point - received Our Blessed Lord's teaching and she has never thought that she could change it, but has been tasked with preserving Our Blessed Lord's teaching intact. As part of her preaching, she wrote the books of the New Testament, decided which ones were inspired by God, and collected them, preserved them, and kept them inviolate.

Martin Luther, on the other hand, believed only in himself. He thought so much of his own opinion that he threw books out of the Bible - Old AND New Testament, and changed the wording in some passages to make them agree with what he thought they should be saying. Other reformers disagreed with him (to an extent) and put back the books in the New Testament, but not the ones in the Old Testament: they believed as well, that they knew better than 1,500 years of the Church, and Christ's guarantee to protect HIS Church until the end of the world.

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8y ago

Martin Luther said natural language is the Queen who resides over all pointed, subtle, and sophisticated interpretation. We should never stray from her, unless a dogma of faith forces us to; otherwise no letter in Scripture would be safe from intellectual charlatans. He recommends, “Even though Scripture refers to things wide in meaning, we should not believe that Scripture has a split meaning, but only the one the words clearly state.”

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