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Q: How was Germany under Bismarck and Japan under Emperor Meiji similar?
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Who are the axis power leaders?

Adolph Hitler (Germany) Emperor Hirohito (Japan) Mussolini (Italy)

Why did German alli with japan in world war 2?

Germany and Japan had similar forms of government and similar expansionist policies, thus their alliance.

What events marked the end of world war 2?

The U.S. nuked Hiroshima, then Nagasaki which led to the surrender of Japan by then Emperor Hirohito.

Who did the US use the Atomic Bomb against?

Against the Axis powers, of which Japan was part of. (The Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan). The emperor of Japan at the time was Hirohito, and Hitler was in control of Germany and Europe.

Who was the emperor of Japan during the 1920's though the 1940s?

The Emperor of Japan between 1912-1926 was Emperor Taishō. The Emperor between 1926-1989 was Emperor Hirohito.

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What are some differences between otto von Bismarck and the emperor meiji?

Otto von Bismarck was the Chancellor of Prussia and played a key role in the unification of Germany in the 19th century through his Realpolitik policies. Emperor Meiji, on the other hand, was the Emperor of Japan during the Meiji era, overseeing the modernization and westernization of Japan in the late 19th to early 20th centuries. Bismarck focused on unifying Germany through political maneuvering, while Emperor Meiji focused on modernizing Japan to adapt to the changing global landscape.

Who were the leaders in Japan and Germany?

Japan=Emperor Hirohito, Germany=Hitler.

How then Meiji restoration was similar and different from the Changes intuituted by Otto Von Bismarck in Germany?

Meji Restoration was similar to the growth of Germany by Otto Von Bismarck because both Germany and Japan strike for economic success and industrial prosperity. Bismarck made Germany into one of the greatest country of the time by promoting industries and catching up with the growth of other world power such as Great Britain. Germany built many ships and tries to gain colonies all over the world. One example is when Bismarck planned with other European nations to take part of Africa. Japan on the other hand also promoted industries. Japanese would sail out and look for land to occupy and use its resources. Both Germany and Japan were successful in becoming a powerful nation in a short period of time.

After world war 2 the Japanese emperor was?

Although Germany & Japan were ordered to surrender UNCONDITIONALLY; The US compromised, with Japan, and allowed Hirohito to remain Japan's Emperor.

Who are the axis power leaders?

Adolph Hitler (Germany) Emperor Hirohito (Japan) Mussolini (Italy)

Is Japan democratic?

Japan is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy similar to the UK, Canada, Sweden or Belgium. The Emperor is the head of state and keeps strictly out of politics.

Why did German alli with japan in world war 2?

Germany and Japan had similar forms of government and similar expansionist policies, thus their alliance.

Who supported emperor Hirohito during World War 2?

Emperor Hirohito was the leader of Japan during WW2, they were part of the "axis" powers and had pact with Germany (as an ally)

What events marked the end of world war 2?

The U.S. nuked Hiroshima, then Nagasaki which led to the surrender of Japan by then Emperor Hirohito.

Who was the emperor of Japan in 1942?

Hirohito was the Emperor of Japan in 1942.

Who did the US use the Atomic Bomb against?

Against the Axis powers, of which Japan was part of. (The Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan). The emperor of Japan at the time was Hirohito, and Hitler was in control of Germany and Europe.

Who is the emperor of Japan when the World War 2 started?

Emperor Hirohito was the emperor of Japan in that time.