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Germany surrendered on May 7th to the Western Allies, and May 8th to the Soviet Union, 1945, this happened approximately a week after adolf Hitler and Eva braun commited suicide.

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Q: How was Germany surrounded by end of war?
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Why was Germany surrounded in World War 1?

That was the geopolitical situation.

What problems did the location of Germany create in fighting world war 1?

Obviously a major downside to Germany's positioning was that she was surrounded by country's.

When did the war between allies and Germany end?

Assuming that you are referring to the end of the 2nd World War, Germany capitulated on the 8th of May, 1945.

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West Germany and East Germany.

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When Germany surrended on 7th May 1945.

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West Berlin was entirely surrounded by East Germany till the reunification of Germany in 1990.

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When Germany surrendered at the end of the second World War.

What is the significance of surrender at appomattox?

was surrounded on three sides It was the end of the war and he had to agree to his terms of surrender