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George Washington and John F. Kennedy were alike in that they were both strong leaders. They were both presidents of the United States, and are both regarded in a positive way.

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They both lived in the 1700's.

They were both in the military.

They were both Heads of State.

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Q: How was George Washington And King George III alike?
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How is George Washington different from King George III?

King George III and George Washington were nothing alike. First of all, they were enemies. King George III was the King of England. George Washington was never a king and he didn't want to become one either. George Washington was the first president of the United States. King George III wasn't and he has never even been to The United States of America anyway. King George III also lived a lot longer than George Wshington.

How is King George III different for George Washington?

King George III was a monarch King George III remained loyal to the Great Britain King George III never lived outside of the British Isles George Washington lived from 1732-1799 King George III lived from 1738-1820 King George III was head of state from 1760-1820 George Washington was head of state from 1789-1797

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I do not believe Washington ever met with King George III.

Why were King George III and George Washington enemys?

becauethey had beef and had the same girlfriend

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The Proclamation of 1763 was a royal proclamation and was signed by King George III. It was an effort on the King's part to claim land in North America as British territory.

What does George Washington have in common with king george the third?

King George iii and George Washington were both political leaders. They both wore powdered wigs. They were both enemies. They were faithful to their wives. (that's all I have)

Who was The king of England when the American colonies rebelled?

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Who was the most important person in 1700's?

There were many important figures in the 1700s, but some notable ones include George Washington, who played a significant role in the American Revolution and became the first President of the United States, and Voltaire, a prominent French philosopher and writer known for his advocacy of freedom of speech and religious tolerance.

Who was the English king in 1773?

King George III

Who was the british monarch who reigned during the American revolution?

Geogeorge the iiiANSWER:King George III, was the ruler of England, during the American Revolutionary War. The king along with Parliament both worked together to control the colonies in America.

As George Washington prepared to lead the colonists against the British Continental what?

Attempted to make peace with King George III