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Q: How was Athens able to survive the Dorian Invasion while all others fell?
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What examples show harriet Tubman heroism?

Her qualities is to help others out of slavery in order for them to save themselves. Or her qualities is to help others out of slavery and to survive.

What threats did the early kingdoms of europe face?

The greatest threat to the kingdoms was from defeat in war. Most of the early kingdoms did not survive, as those that did survive destroyed the others.

How did the Persian Wars bring the Greek city-states together?

Some sided with the Persians, others combined to repel the Persian invasion.

What marked the end of the Anglo-Saxons?

The Norman invasion of England in 1066 ended Anglo-Saxon independence and control of England. However, the Anglo-Saxons continued to exist for centuries, until their population merged with the population of the Normans, and others, to produce the English population.

Why were many of the Greek poli (city-states) unhappy with Athens in the years before the Peloponnesian War?

After the Persian invasion of Greece was turned back in 479 BCE under the leadership of Sparta, Athens took over leadership of the city-states in Asia Minor which had been liberated from Persian rule and formed them into the Delian League as a defensive alliance. After 30 years of failed attempts to reclaim the cities, Persia gave up and left the League to its own devices. Even with the threat gone, Athens continued to collect the annual tax which funded the League, by force where necessary, and spent the money on itself and on maintaining the navy which enforced the tax. Athenian inscriptions show heavy casualties of its army each year, including years in which Athens was not fighting any war with its neighbours or Persia, so these arose from its annual tax enforcement. This enforcement went as far as assaulting, capturing and looting recalcitrant cities of the League, which Athens had converted to an empire. One city Mytilene had its people sold into slavery as an example to the others; the citizens of Samos were branded in the forehead to remind them not to revolt again. The proceeds - originally to pay for the navy which protected them from Persia - were spent by Athens on beautifying its city (Parthenon etc) and putting half of Athens' citizens on its public payroll. And not satisfied with this empire, Athens started standing over cities of the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta, culminating with trying to bankrupt Megara, a member of that league. At the behest of the League, Sparta demanded that Athens back off, it refused, and all out war ensued.

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