

How was?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Which monarch ruled England when Jamestown and Plymouth were settled•Ferdinand•Powhatan• Elizabeth I•James I?

James I

Why did the founding fathers create the new constitution?

Basically, the Founding Fathers wanted a new constitution because the government under the Articles of Confederation proved to be unstable and inefficient. The document provided very little structure in terms of a federal government. Each state used their own currency and there was little unity. Finally, with Shay's rebellion in Massachusetts and no standing army to counteract it, the Founding Fathers came to the conclusion that a new government and constitution needed to be drawn up which would give America a stronger federal government while still preserving state's rights. More input from FAQ Farmers: * The Founding Fathers wanted a new constitution because the current government of the Articles of Confederation was not working due to the balance of powers between state and federal governments. The document gave state governments too much power and left the federal government helpless in both defending and caring for American interests. This eventually led to almost no unification of the states. Two parties emerged. The federalists, who lobbied for a strong central government, and the anti-federalists who emphasized state and individual rights. The two parties compromised and worked together to ratify the new Constitution that granted more power to a federal government and granted less power (but still protected) to the states. * After the Shay's Rebellion, the Fouding Fathers realized how weak the Articles of Confederation was. The federal government was powerless to stop the rebellion and Congress had little power. Some weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation included that was no chief executive, Congress had no power to tax citizens directly, no power to draft an army, had no national court system, no power to settle arguments among states, and many more. This led to the Constitutional Convention (started by Alex Hamilton), where the AoC was scrapped and a new constitution was written.

Who was the leader of Poland when Germany took over?

After Pilsudski's refusal do become a President of Poland Ignacy Moscicki is sworn in as President of the Republic on 4 June 1926 before the National Assembly at the Royal Castle in the presence of the government, the diplomatic corps, the press and the family. Sworn in before the National Assembly for the second term on 9 May 1933 also at the Royal Castle, which he made his residence. His term of office expired in September 1939 upon his internment in Romania. From there he moved to Switzerland. He passed his office to Wladyslaw Raczkiewicz. Died in Versoix near Geneva on 2 October 1946.

Who was the president of Italy during World War 2?

Benito Mussolini was handed power by King Vittorio Emanuele III in October 1922 to avoid civil war. He became the Prime Minister of Italy at that time. Following numerous defeats in WWII, he was stripped of power in July 1943. General Pietro Badoglio took over power in July of 1943, and surrendered to the Allied forces in August.

Was the US decision to drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima strictly a military measure or was it a diplomatic measure calculated to intimidate the Soviet Union in the post-World War 2 era?

As of World War II, Russia was our ally, so no, we would not have dropped the bomb as a gesture of power toward the USSR, as we couldn't forsee the turn they would take. Not so much an intimidation act, but everyone was certainly aware of Russia's interest in joining the effort to stop the final Axis power. Russia was ready to attack and send many of THEIR soldiers to their deaths during the ending stages of WW2, but U.S. military and government leaders were far less willing to face the prospects of anywhere near a million of our fighting men dying on Japanese beaches. It was simply not an acceptable solution to the end of WW2. Japan was already defeated, they just refused to surrender, yet the rest of the world would not allow them to end the war without surrender, especially since WW1 and the disaster with failing to control the Germans multiple attempts to control all of Europe. No, Japan had to surrender, and Japan had to be occupied afterward to assure the world that they wouldn't try again. Japan was holding on in an attempt to get better terms following the war. They wanted to keep their military, have the opportunity to rebuild their navy, keep foreign forces off their land, in short, they didn't really want to surrender. The President of the United States had no choice but to use the newly developed weapon to force Japan to surrender. It was truly a tragic turn of events and so incredibly devistating that so many innocent people died. If there had been any other options they would have been taken. But can you immagine the outrage of the American people if our troops had invaded Japan, we lost over a million lives then the story leaks out that we had this weapon that would have ended the war but we didn't want to use it because it would have killed many of our enemies? Like I said, there was no choice. 9. July 1945 president Truman declared that nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was necessary for saving American lives in an conventionel invasion. But the Americans knew that Japan had talked about a peace agreement through their Moscow-ambassodor in June 1945. Furthermore the American invasion of Japan was not scheduled until October '45. To add to all this, Soviet said already in May '45 they would declare war on Japan on the 8. August '45. Considering this there was no reason to use nuclear weapons, if there ever is. Americans wanted to prevent that Soviet joined the war, and prevent Soviet influence in the area. USA and Soviet has ALWAYS been enemies. Since the revolution in 1917 until 1989, they were political advessaries, except WW2.No, but it was a practical and reasonable way to wage war.

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