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The Bayuex Tapestry told historians how weapons were handeled at this time. Such as the over hand use of the lance (not commonly) and the size and shape of the sheilds.

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Q: How useful is the bayeux tapestry in telling us about the medieval times?
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Why the bayeux tapestry is not useful?

It is likely the Normans used the Bayeux tapestry to justify their invasion, and therefore is highly likely to be bias when depicting the Norman invasion. Moreover, the Bayeux Tapestry was made during the 1070's yet displays events even before 1066. It also only shows images and very little text and consequently, important events are unclear.

Why is the bayeux tapestry a good source of primary evidence?

The Bayeux Tapestry is a useful primary resource because it was made by people who were around at the time, which is what makes it primary. It is useful because it is one of few pieces of evidence used to represent what happened.

Why can you not fully trust the Bayeux Tapestry?

We do not trust the Bayeux Tapestry because it was written from a Norman point of view, this means that the Normans could have exaggerated their victory or left out great things that the Saxons did. They did this to make themselves sound greater and more powerful than they actually were. As a result of this, it made viewers think of the Normans as alot better than the Saxons.

Why did Odo of Bayeux use a club to kill people?

A military history professor at the University of Illinois mentioned that medieval warrior bishops often used clubs because they were forbidden as men of the cloth to cut or pierce the skin in violence. A useful way to get around the "Thou Shalt Not Kill" thing.

Why is the bateaux tapestry not useful to historians?

It is from a Norman perspective ( which means it is biased) seamstresses were not at the battle and were told what happened (the info passed on could be false) ----------- That is an extremely uninsightful, and incorrect, answer. The Bayeaux tapestry is immensely useful to historians. First and most important, it shows us the Norman perspective of the battle, which has historical value in it sown right. Second, it contains subtle commentary by the embroiderers (who many historians believe were Saxon) in a series of tiny figures worked into the borders of the tapestry, ranging from mythological to satirical. They give us insight into the mindset of the people working on the piece. Lastly, the manner in which the tapestry has been interpreted down through the centuries offers insight into the values and historical perspective of each time period involved. There have been whole books written about that one aspect of the work. To say that the piece has "no historical value" because the events it depicts may reflect the writer's (embroiderer's) cultural perspective is extremely simplistic, and presupposes that the historical record is normally accurate and pure. Josephus did not personally witness every event he recorded in ancient Rome, yet we consider his writings an important part of the historical record. even though we recognize his cultural bias. While the Bayeaux Tapestry is not a primary source, it is a valuable secondary source that offers historians a wealth of information on the world the Conquest took place in, as well as the event itself.

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Why isn't the bayeux tapestry useful to historians?

because some of the information was false

Why the bayeux tapestry is not useful?

It is likely the Normans used the Bayeux tapestry to justify their invasion, and therefore is highly likely to be bias when depicting the Norman invasion. Moreover, the Bayeux Tapestry was made during the 1070's yet displays events even before 1066. It also only shows images and very little text and consequently, important events are unclear.

Why is the bayeux tapestry a good source of primary evidence?

The Bayeux Tapestry is a useful primary resource because it was made by people who were around at the time, which is what makes it primary. It is useful because it is one of few pieces of evidence used to represent what happened.

Why can you not fully trust the Bayeux Tapestry?

We do not trust the Bayeux Tapestry because it was written from a Norman point of view, this means that the Normans could have exaggerated their victory or left out great things that the Saxons did. They did this to make themselves sound greater and more powerful than they actually were. As a result of this, it made viewers think of the Normans as alot better than the Saxons.

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