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They can depend them cause third world econmies start as first world ecoomies.I'm not an expert so..........

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Q: How third world economies can can their dependence on first world economies?
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What are the differences in third world countries compared to first world countries?

Third world countries typically have lower levels of economic development, infrastructure, and access to healthcare and education compared to first world countries. They may also have higher rates of poverty and political instability. In general, first world countries have more advanced economies, better healthcare and education systems, and higher standards of living.

What are some of the worlds problems?

The world suffers from widespread disease, hunger, and drought. Famine is a constant problem that first world countries try to assist. There are millions of deaths each year as a result of the lack of resources in developing economies and third-world countries.

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Third World

What are the list of the third world countries?

The term "Third World" originated during the Cold War to refer to countries that were not aligned with NATO (First World) or the Communist Bloc (Second World). Today, the term is considered outdated and offensive. Instead, countries are now categorized by their level of economic development, such as low-income, middle-income, and high-income economies.

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As the third largest body of water in the world, the vital sea lanes that help feed some of Asia's largest economies. The importance is already clear.

What economy is on first position in world economies?

I really don't know but China is the Second.

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Japan and Germany economies were both rebuilt after WW2 into the world's strongest, third and fourth respectively after the US and China.

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Animism reflect west Africans dependence on the natural world

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direct investment from abroad

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First World

Is Romania a first world second world or third world country?

Romania is now considered a second world country; but officially and correct definitions for first, second or third world don't exist.