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The service plate one inch from the edge of the table with the soup bowl on top. One the left side place the salad fork, dinner fork, and fish fork. The knives go in the same order on the right side. The dessert spoon and cake fork go one inch above the service plate. Bread and butter goes above the forks and a glass of water and wine go above the knives with a napkin folded carefully beside the forks on the left side.

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Q: How the table settinf of Russian services?
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Different style of table service?

There are a number of different styles of table service. Some of those styles include, American plated service, French service, Russian service, and family style.

Who was the creator of the Periodic Table where was he from?

Mendeleev, he was Russian.

Did a Russian the early periodic table?

The arrangement of chemical elements into the widely recognised periodic table was first devised by the Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev.

What is the English phrase 'table services' in French?

"Services de table" is a French equivalent of the English phrase "table services."Specifically, the preposition "de" means "of." The words "services" and "table" are cognates in that they look and mean the same in French and in English. The pronunciation is "sehr-veess duh tah-bluh."

Is there a Russian periodic table?

Yes there is. In fact, the periodic table was designed by a Russian named Dmitri Mendeleev. If you want a picture, go here:

Who is the creator of the table of elements?

Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleyev.

Who created the first table of elements?

Periodic table is generally credited to Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev.

Who is mendeleevs?

Dmitri Mendeleev was a Russian chemist; he proposed the modern Periodic Table of elements in 1869.

What is the difference between Russian service and french services?

Russian service typically involves courses being brought to the table individually and plated in front of each guest, while French service involves plating and finishing dishes tableside. Additionally, Russian service tends to be more formal and ceremonial, while French service emphasizes elegance and precision.

Where the periodic table was discovered?

The periodic table was first proposed by a Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev. The modern periodic table ordered by atomic number was proposed by an English physicist, Henry Moseley.

Who is considered the father of the periodic table?

In 1869, Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, presented the first Periodic Table.

Who created the periodic table and when?

Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869.