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Q: How the Creoles cultures shaped Louisiana's heritage?
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How are cultures shaped?

Cultures are shaped by religion, language, food, clothing, ands traditions. All these are things that make up culture.

How did enslaves Africans respond to their enslavement in the Americas?

By Clinging to their African cultures, including their Artistic Heritage of dance, music, and storytelling.The Slave trade brought together people from different parts of Africa with different cultural traditions.The experience of slavery helped create a common African-based culture in the Americas.African cultures would become one of the Forces that shaped life in the American Colonies.

The Twenties were shaped basically by a clash of cultures modernist versus traditional Is this statement true?

Yes, the twenties were shaped basically by a clash of cultures modernist versus traditional. This statement is true.

What types of cultures do Germans have?

Germans have a rich and diverse cultural heritage shaped by their history, traditions, language, and arts. Some key aspects of German culture include a strong emphasis on art, literature, music, and food. Regional differences within Germany also contribute to the diversity of its cultural landscape.

How was Christianity shaped by the cultures of Asia and the Americas?

dy the chinese people

What heritage are people from Russia Poland Lithuania Romania?

People from Russia, Poland, Lithuania, and Romania have diverse heritages. Russian heritage is mainly Slavic, with influences from various ethnic groups and cultures. Polish heritage is a mix of Slavic, Germanic, and other Central European influences. Lithuanian heritage is Baltic with strong ties to ancient Baltic and Slavic traditions. Romanian heritage is a blend of Latin, Slavic, and other influences, shaped by its history of various occupations and migrations.

What countries have influenced and shaped the music of Central America and the Caribbean?

The African heritage in the region

What 2 pre- hispanic cultures have shaped Mexico?

Spanish and Native American cultures (specifically, Mayan and Aztec).

Which 2 major cultures developed in ancient Greece?

Roman culture was shaped by both the Greek and Etruscan cultures.Roman culture was shaped by both the Greek and Etruscan cultures.Roman culture was shaped by both the Greek and Etruscan cultures.Roman culture was shaped by both the Greek and Etruscan cultures.Roman culture was shaped by both the Greek and Etruscan cultures.Roman culture was shaped by both the Greek and Etruscan cultures.Roman culture was shaped by both the Greek and Etruscan cultures.Roman culture was shaped by both the Greek and Etruscan cultures.Roman culture was shaped by both the Greek and Etruscan cultures.

In Latin America what is the primary human geographic factor that defines the region?

The primary human geographic factor that defines Latin America is its cultural diversity, which is influenced by a mix of Indigenous, European, African, and Asian heritage. This unique blend of cultures has shaped the region's language, religion, customs, and traditions.

Name one natural heritage site which has been restored in Mauritius?

there was a tree shaped like a giant banana

Is music a legitimate popular culture?

yes. music is a part of pop culture and has helped shaped all cultures to be what they are today.