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== == well well you have to realize that many people in the north were abolitionist and they provoked many of the people that wanted slavery and there weret

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Q: How significant were the abolitionists in bringing about the Civil War?
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Why did the North consisder John Brown a martyr?

Most of them didn't. The Abolitionists did. But most Northerners were not Abolitionists, and were just exasperated that all of this was bringing war nearer.

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John Brown, Harriet Tubman and Fredrick Douglass were all pre-Civil War abolitionists

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five percent

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How is an abolitionist important to the Civil War?

An abolitionist was important in the civil war because abolitionists wanted to abolish or get rid of slavery. And for a lot of people the war was about slavery.

Was the US Civil War significant?

The US Civil War was indeed significant, affecting millions of people.

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It heightened the division between the two sides - it delighted the South and greatly offended Northern abolitionists. It raised the temperature of the debate, and brought civil war closer.

Who would be a friend to the slaves during the US Civil War?

Other slaves or abolitionists. ;)

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Abolitionists were people who fought against slavery, prior to the USA Civil War.