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Q: How revolt of 1857 made the alteration in the British policy towards the Indian states?
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What was its impact on the brirtishers in revolt of 1857?

1. End of the rule of the Company2. Alteration In the British Policy towards the Indian States3. Conclusion of Peshwaship4. End of the Mughal Rule5. The Army was reorganized6. India was economically exploited7. Nationalism began to rise8. Introduction of Policy of Divide and Rule The impact of the Revolt :9. End of the rule of the Company10. Alteration in the British Policy towards the Indian States11. Conclusion of Peshwaship12. End of the Mughal Rule13. The Army was reorganized14. India was economically exploited15. Nationalism began to rise16. Introduction of Policy of Divide and Rule

What was the British policy towards Nazi Germany before their invasion of Poland?


How did Britain's policy towards its American colonies change after the French and Indian War?

A) the british began to respect American culture B) the colonist began to question british authority C) the british began to treat Americans as equals D) the colonist became more dependent on Britain

Which governor general did not follow a non intervention policy towards the Indian native rulers?

sir george barlow

How and why did British polices in the colonies change after 1763?

After the French and Indian War/Seven Years' War ended, the British changed their "hands-off" policy towards the colonists. They issued the Proclamiation of 1763 which stated that the colonists couldn't settle in areas west of the Appalachian Mountains. This was done to ensure that there wouldn't be any future conflicts with the Native Americans who lived in that area.hello its me keerthi

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What was its impact on the brirtishers in revolt of 1857?

1. End of the rule of the Company2. Alteration In the British Policy towards the Indian States3. Conclusion of Peshwaship4. End of the Mughal Rule5. The Army was reorganized6. India was economically exploited7. Nationalism began to rise8. Introduction of Policy of Divide and Rule The impact of the Revolt :9. End of the rule of the Company10. Alteration in the British Policy towards the Indian States11. Conclusion of Peshwaship12. End of the Mughal Rule13. The Army was reorganized14. India was economically exploited15. Nationalism began to rise16. Introduction of Policy of Divide and Rule

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How did Britain's policy towards its American colonies change after the French and Indian War?

A) the british began to respect American culture B) the colonist began to question british authority C) the british began to treat Americans as equals D) the colonist became more dependent on Britain

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sir george barlow

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