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Many people were just barley making it through the days. Working long hours for little pay. Many people were also forced to go in the military to fight in World wars which were also crippling our economy.

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12y ago

They lived in places known as Hoovervilles. Basically, it was an area where many people lived in makeshift houses made of cardboard and other materials. They were named Hoovervilles because of President Herbert Hoover, who was president during the time of the Great Depression.

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13y ago

In hobo cities near railroad tracks, all across the country. See: Steinbeck, John, "Of Mice and Men"

They live in cities and shelters. they mostly live in New york

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15y ago

They lived in shantytowns and tent villages.

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Q: How people lived there life during the great depression?
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What are hoover ville?

hoover villes were homes that the people lived in during the great depression often made of cardbored and newspapers, on streets, and in parks

What was the standard of living during the great depression?

The standard of living for most people was poor. Many people lived day to day not knowing where their next meal was coming from.