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The physical world was looked at through the lens of the Church. The Church taught that the earth was the center of the Universe and all the planets moved around the earth. The Church also taught that to look at the body was sinful, so a doctor couldn't look at the body of a sick person. They divided the body into 4 parts of "humor" and when they prescribed treatments they often used the "humors" of bile, blood, and form to determine what the illness was. The treatments included things like dried mice, urine, Mercury, and bleeding. The people of the time also used superstition to explain things. One popular theory was that there were island in the ocean that were big magnets and if a ship wondered too close to it the island would pull all the nails out the ship sinking it. There were many things like this and there was no real understanding of the physical world.

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Q: How people in the middle ages looked at the physical world?
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What is the culture in the middle colonies?

the best people in the world.

What the Germany looked for after world war 1?

they looked for a powerful leader

How did landowners and aristocrats view wealthy members of the middle class?

Landowners looked down on those who had made their fortunes in the "vulgar" business world. Not until late in the 1800s were rich entrepreneurs considered the social equals of the lords of the countryside.The changes that industrialization brought about for the large landowners and aristocrats was dwindling power and respect due to the amassing of wealth by merchants,factory owners, and investment bankers.

How did people know about the rest of the world in the middle ages?

they have been told by other people that came to each others land

What war was Hitler in?

Hitler was in both world wars. He wanted to exteriminate jewsish people from the earth and populate the world with an ultimate race called the Aryans these people had blond hair and blue eyes and looked like angels.

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