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Q: How old was Napoleon when he invaded Russia?
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What happened after napoleon invaded Russia?


What was the nickname of Napoleon's army that invaded Russia?

Napoleon's army that invaded Russia was known as Grande Armée. This invasion was the beginning of Napoleon's demise.

Who invaded Russia after Napoleon?

Adolf Hitler, and just like Napoleon, he had to retreat.

Napoleon invaded Russia to teach who a lesson?

No, he invaded Russia due to Czar Alexander breaking his word about sticking with the Continental System, which was a boycott against trading with the British.

How are Hitler and Napoleon alike?

They were both dictators and they both invaded Russia.

In June 1812 invaded Russia with his grand army?

Napoleon Bonaparte

Which action of Napoleon's caused the greatest human losses?

When he invaded Russia

Did Russia ever invade France?

No,Russia never invaded,but France has once invaded Russia...that's for sure! Actually, Russia did invade France, but not as the aggressor country, the way Napoleon did to Russia. In 1814, after Napoleon invaded Russia then retreated back to France, Tsar Alexander I and the Russian Army (along with the Prussian and Austro-Hungarian armies) followed the retreating Napoleon all the way back to France. The Russian army entered France and defeated Napoleon at last. On March 31, 1814, Tsar Alexander I rode into Paris.

What nations remained allied against napoleon in 1812?

On June 22,1812, when Napoleon invaded Russia, Great Britain, Russia, Sweden and the army of Spanish guerrilla, remained allied against him.

Who invaded Russia prior to Napoleon?

The Mongols in 1223 and in 1237. Under King Charles XII Sweden invaded Russia at least twice during the first decade of the 18th Century

Who should Hitler have learned from in history about invading Russia?

Napoleon Bonaparte, the Emperor of France, invaded Russia in 1812 that resulted in defeat.

How did Napoleon change the world?

he was the worlds greatest military commanders. Napoleon conquered all of Europe, invaded Russia, and threatened Russia. He also created many laws. he created democracy to France.