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Q: How old was James Madison during the American revolution?
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What presidents lived during the American revolution?

George Washington, john Adams, thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James monroe, john Quincy Adams(he was only a boy during the revolution), and Andrew Jackson

Who Is The Father of American independence?

The man known as the Father of the American Revolution was the revolutionary and rebel Samuel Adams. He was a great leader during the revolution and was known for his determination.

How does James Madison relate to politics?

James Madison was a American Politican.

Did James Madison train militia during the American revolutionary war?

no. James acually trained the Turkish in the war

Which Founding Father felt the American Revolution was already on the minds of the colonists before it had even started?

I believe it was James Madison

Who was James Madison and what was his impact on American government?

James Madison was the 4th president.

Why did James Madison support the Revolution?

Madison was in favor of self-government from the beginning. He believed the American colonies had a right to be free from England and was willing to fight to obtain and preserve independence.

What president of the US was in office during the war in 1812?

James Madison was the president of the United States throughout the entirety of the war of 1812. He served as president from 1809-1817.

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which of the following was not an important influence on the american revolution (apex)?

James Madison's draft of the Bill of Rights -Apex

Who was president during 1812?

James Madison.

People that start with a M in the American revelutionary war?

James Madison was an American statesman during the war. His name begins with the letter M.