Nathan Hale was 21 years old when he was executed by the British. His parents were almost certainly alive.
nathan hale
Hale, by Liverpool England
Nathan Hale was born on June 6, 1755.
Nathan Hale - journalist - died in 1863.
Shannon Hale had 4 kids.
Shannon Hale was born on January 26, 1974.
Shannon Hale was born on January 26, 1974.
There are 405 pages in Dangerous by Shannon Hale.
Shannon Hale
Shannon Hale is currently living in South Jordan Utah
Shannon Hale's parents are named Steve Hale and Sharon Hale.
Britta Larendaughter
Yes She does, His name is Dean... They were friends since highschool!
heck no!
Dont know for sure... but at least 1-6.
Yes! She is married to Dean Hale, They live happily and healthy in South Jordan, Utah! WITH, 4 kids and a couple pets!