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A talent of gold is about 75 pounds, and today, gold is sold for $A1586 per ounce, so 1 talent would be worth 75 x 1200 x 1586 which equals $A142,740,000.

It is interesting to note that King Solomon received annually, 666 talents of gold into his kingdom, (2Chronicles 9.13)

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

"talent" is a Greek word applied to the Hebrew unit "kikar" (Γ—β€ΊΓ—β€ΊΓ—Β¨), which is believed to have been equivalent to 300 shekels (about 67 lbs). But the unit was used with different values throughout history.

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Q: How much was a talent of gold during biblical times?
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What is the equivalent value of a Biblical talent?

The Talent was a unit of measure used in ancient times in the Middle East. The largest unit of measure, it was the equivalency of about 75 pounds. The actual value varied and scholars place it anywhere from $1,000 to $30,000 today. That would be 1316 troy ounces of gold, almost $1.5 million dollars today. For a silver talent it would be $22,424.

How many pounds in a talent of gold?

A talent of gold is estimated to be approximately 75 pounds.

How much gold is in one talent of gold?

One talent of gold is approximately two hundred pounds, which is equivalent to four hundred and forty kilograms. If one had one talent of gold, one would not be able to lift it without a crane.

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What is the value of a talen during the roman empire?

I would assume you had a typo and misspelled talent, spelling it talen.The talent was a unit of weight invented by theGreekswhich was also adopted by the Romans. The Attic (Greek) talent was 27 kilograms (57 pounds). The Roman talent was 32.3 Kilograms (71 pounds). The talent itself had no value. What had value was the material which wasweighed. Originally, the talent was used to measure the amount of silver that defeated cities had to pay as war indemnity. Later, the talent was also used to weigh gold.Thevalueof a talentdependedonwhetherit was a talent of gold or a talent ofsilverand on the time in history. The Roman Empire lasted for many centuries and the value of gold and silvervariedgreatly over time.One talent, depending on how much an ounce of gold is valued, is approximately (nowadays) $840,000 - $850,000.

What is 120 talents of gold worth?

In ancient times, a talent was a unit of weight used to measure precious metals like gold. The exact weight of a talent varied by region and time period, but for the sake of this explanation, let's assume a talent of gold is equivalent to around 75 pounds. Therefore, 120 talents of gold would be approximately 9,000 pounds of gold. To determine the value of this amount of gold, you would need to know the current market price of gold per ounce and then calculate the total value based on the weight provided.

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How much does a talent of gold weigh?

It wieghs about 94 pounds.

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What is 22 carot gold rate in Bahrain?

Price of gold changes many times during the day. Oct 15,2009 $1015.00 oz.

How much is 420 talents of gold worth?

This answer depends on the current gold price and also the purity of the gold. If this question comes from the 420 talents of gold that Hiram's ships brought back to king Solomon in Ophir then it seems unlikely that they would have been able to get very high quality gold at that time so the figure quoted here might be a bit high. The calculations are: 1 talent = 1093.75 troy ounces 1 troy ounce of gold =~ $1241.34 1 talent of gold =~ $1,357,715 420 talents of gold =~ $570,240,562

Who are the judges for Canada's got talent?

shania twain would be good and zack warner again and jake gold