No, he never had complete control of the European Continent.
Napoleon promoted the idea of a French Empire but there was simply to much European resistance.
He was a part of the 1799 coup against the lawful government of France called the Directory.
Napoleon Bonaparte of France conquered much of Europe in the 1800's, but he did not conquer all of it.
No, he never had complete control of the European Continent.
Napoleon promoted the idea of a French Empire but there was simply to much European resistance.
He was a part of the 1799 coup against the lawful government of France called the Directory.
He became the First Consul in 1799.
He wanted to conquer it all and become supreme ruler.
He wanted to conquer it all and become supreme ruler.
No, he never even controlled Europe, but he gave it a valiant effort.
He failed to conquer Europe but his Napoleonic Code had noteworthy success.
Napoleon was considered one of the best Generals because he took over half of Europe. The time it took him was from 1804 - 1819.
Napléon did not wish to conquer Europe. His only wish was to defend the French Republic against the royalists of Europe. In his quest, he established an empire, although his goal was not to conquer all of Europe.