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£500 million

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Q: How much money did it cost to rebuild the town of boscastle after the floods?
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How much did the repairs cost in the floods at boscastle?

The repairs after the floods in Boscastle in 2004 cost approximately £4.5 million. The funding for the repairs came from various sources, including government grants, insurance claims, and donations. The repairs focused on improving flood defenses and restoring the infrastructure damaged in the floods.

How much did the damage cost to boscastle after the flood?

Because of the Boscastle Flood, the village of Boscastle had to pay millions of pounds for repairs and defences for future floods. One family alone had to pay thousands of pounds because their home, car and possessions were totally destroyed.

How much money does it cost to rebuild a town after an volcanic eruption?

There is no telling how much money it will cost to rebuild a town after a volcanic eruption. It will cost billions to trillions of dollars.

How much did it cost to rebuild a town in Medieval?

It cost heaps of money

What floods have cost the most money?

big ones

What was the cost of damage in the Brisbane floods?

The cost of damage from the Brisbane floods in 2011 was estimated to be around $2.5 billion. The floods affected thousands of homes and businesses, causing significant economic impact on the city and its infrastructure.

How much would it cost to widen rivers to stop floods?

a lot of money 10000000000000000,0000000000000,0000000000000000000

How much money will it cost to rebuild Haiti?

14 billion british pounds pounds (ruthly)

What is the average replacement cost to rebuild a home in NJ?

can you tell me what the replacement cost to rebuild in nj is

Do you have to rebuild with replacement cost ins?

You make the decision to rebuild or not. However, per the terms of the replacement cost endorsement, if you choose not to rebuild then the company will pay you the actual cash value of the damage. If you rebuild, the company will pay replacement cost. No replacement, no replacement cost.

How much money did it cost to rebuild the Eiffell tower?

The Eiffel Tower has never been destroyed, and therefore never rebuilt.

How does flood affect the world?

Floods effect the worlds population tumindesly because the floods kill humans and animals also they destroy homes and then when it is done i cost alot of money to repaire the homes.