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there is no Hydrogen in a hydrogen bomb.

its called a hydrogen bomb because there are isotopes of hydrogen: tritium (3H ), and deuterium (2


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Likely around room temperature, until it is detonated.

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Q: How much hydrogen is in a hydrogen bomb?
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Which is more destructive a nuclear bomb or a hydrogen bomb?

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10s of millions of degrees.

Which is most powerful a nuke an atomic bomb or a hydrogen bomb?

An H-Bomb is 1000 times stronger than an atomic bomb. Atomic explosions are based on splitting atoms and is a fission explosion or fission bomb. The Hydrogen bomb (also called H-Bomb) is a Fusion reaction where atoms are forced together. Atomic bombs were used in World War II, Hydrogen bombs have been tested, but not used in war.

What is an h-bomb?

hydrogen bomb

Who was using the hydrogen bomb?

the hydrogen bomb has never been used in war

What was hydrogen bomb?

A bomb that splits a hydrogen atom, which literally explodes the air.

What is the most giant hydrogen bomb?

The 50 Megaton "Tsar Bomba" hydrogen bomb tested by the USSR in 1961 is the strongest hydrogen bomb ever detonated. The 10 Megaton "Ivy Mike" hydrogen bomb tested by the U.S. in 1952 is the physically largest hydrogen bomb ever detonated.

What is used as a trigger in a hydrogen bomb?

A traditional nuclear fission bomb is used as a trigger in a hydrogen bomb. The explosion from the fission bomb generates the high temperatures and pressures needed to initiate the fusion reaction in the hydrogen bomb.

Information on US explodes H-bomb?

The H-Bomb, or Hydrogen Bomb, has never been used in warfare- the bombs dropped on japan at the end of WW2 were ATOMIC bombs, which are not as destructive. The Hydrogen Bomb is very much more powerful than the atom bomb, and has only ever been exploded in tests. For full information, Google 'US Hydrogen Bomb' and see what comes up.