An Xbox 360 without a hard drive or any games costs about $200. An Xbox 360 kinect bundle costs around $300. Also some special limited edition Xbox consoles and consoles with more hard drive space cost around $300 with no games.
Easy. This man will do it for you. Navigate to Download his list of games and phone him up! His cost is R400 for a modchip. I did it, my 360 plays all my copies rather well and online.
A kid who is a nerd on XBOX 360 (Computer Freak)
No it is only available on the xbox 360 or the ps3.
Not to get the DLC maps or for the Wii to get the PS3 and Xbox 360 maps
Yes but not much more
An XBox 360 Pro costs $300 in Canada...
from what??
it cost 1,389
It is a PC game and not a Xbox 360 game
How much is the modem
it is about $856
about £160
cost? 300 bucks