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Q: How much does a medieval cannons?
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Do castles have cannons?

in the late medieval period many medieval castles did have a primitive type of cannon.

What defenses did Windsor Castle have in medieval times?

it had draw bridges and cannons

In what ways and why was the wars of the late sixteenth century different from the earlier medieval wars?

Beacause people had guns & ships with cannons and forts with cannons also.

What are some siege weapons?

catapults, grappling hooks, rams, or cannons are all late medieval siege weapons

How could you improve a MEDIEVAL castle?

cannons, soilders, paint, a tower, a moat. good luck. Make a draw bridge

Why did castle building stop after the 1500s in medieval times?

One word; Cannons. Castles made of stone make perfect sense and are an excellent defense against arrows or swords. But a cannonball can knock holes in your stone walls, and then knock down the walls themselves. After the development of cannons and artillery, "castles" changed shape; the new "anti-artillery castle" was the star fort, where you could position your OWN cannons to knock back the cannons that were shooting at you.

Why were castles not needed after the medieval period?

After the introduction of gunpowder and cannons, castles became largely obsolete. Part of this was because they were too easily beaten down by cannons. The forts that came after the Middle Ages were built to withstand cannon shot, but were of designs very unlike those of the castles, in terms of this ability.

How much is a nuffield cannons gym membership?

60 pound per month.

What is a collective noun for cannons?

Stand in of cannons

How many cannons where there on henry Hudson's ship?

There were no cannons on Hudson's ship cannons were not invented yet

Are cemetery cannons military cannons?

Yes because these cannons are used to salute military soldiers that are not alive.

Why are catapults no longer used in warfare?

Because guns and cannons are much more effective.