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less than a dollor a day

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16y ago

Same as today looking at my paycheck.

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Q: How much did they get paid in the factories 1800?
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Where were factories located in 1800?


How much did dressmakers from the 1800's get paid?

they got paid 50 cents per day

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they get paid 1800 a weeek

What jobs did women do in the factories and what did they do about their children while they worked and how much did they get paid?

KIDS GOT PAID 1s. and 5d. a week

What were the problems the factories had in the 1800' s?

long lines?

How much did shipwrights get paid in the 1800s?

Shipwrights and Shipbuilders were paid a huge sum of money in the 1800's. Some were paid as high as $38,000 per ship.

What kinds of factories existed in the south 1800?

That's hard

In the 1800's what section lead in factories and transportation?


How much were children working in factories paid during the Industrial Revolution?

one shilling per week.

Cowhands were paid how much per cow during the 1800's and did they get paid for cattle that didn't make it to market?

1$ per head

What problems existed for workers in factories during the 1800's?

the problam was that children had to wok in the factories instead of going to school.