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They didn't get paid anything. They were a voluntary force made up mainly of people, who for various reasons, couldn't serve in the regular forces.

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Q: How much did the World War 2 home guard get paid in English pounds?
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Was 70 too old for the home guard in world war 2?

Yes 70 was too old for the home guard in world was 2. Home guards were men aged 41-55. Yes 70 was too old for the home guard in world was 2. Home guards were men aged 41-55.

Did medway have a home guard unit during world war 2?

Every British town or city had Home Guard units.

What kind of trained guard dog does Anna Kooiman have at home?

It's 110 pounds- that's all I know

What jobs did men do in world war 2?

the y did home guard

How much was the home guard paid in world war 11?

Purely voluntary

What did the home guard do in world war 2?

The home guard is a state militia that replaces the National Guard when off to war. During WW2, it protected armories, water reservoirs, and other areas deemed sensitive to possible sabatoge.

What kind of currency did the colonist use?

English pounds were used. England was their home country.

What was the Home Guard during World War 2?

A home guards job was to work on the farm and look after children. But they did not fight at war

When was The Old Home Guard created?

The Old Home Guard was created in 1971.

What is the comparison of spanish and English?

The English viewed the new world as a permanent home, and the spanish thought of it more as a temporary home.

What did the nz home guard do?

During World War II, the New Zealand Home Guard was partly responsible for guarding the shores of the island nation. Almost every man who was able was part of this potent force.

Who is the best guard dog for home?

Mastiff breeds are best guard dogs for home.