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N and S VN were not industrialized nations; they, like the Confederacy during the American Civil War (1861-1865) were an "agricultural" based society. Consequently there were no massive concrete buildings, rail systems, and cities destroyed. The primary "physical land damage" was bomb craters.

Over 3 times as many bombs were dropped in the Viet war than was dropped during all of WWII on Germany. Trees and other vegetation grow back. Bridges and towns can be rebuilt. But those bomb craters have turned Laos, Cambodia, and N/S VN into a "lake/pond" enriched region.

Commercial farming business's have been created from many of those ponds (little lakes). Others lay yet undiscovered in the mountainous and hidden valleys thru-out SEA.

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See if these folks can lead you to an answer: Statistics About the Vietnam War. Recommended by the History Channel.

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