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It damaged about the whole part of the place they bombed

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12y ago

well, lets see... 2,403 people died, 1170 wounded... out of 8 battle ships 4 were sunk... and this is the damage that happened during pearl harbor.

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Q: How much damage did the us have by the bombing of Pearl Harbor?
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How did the pearl harbor bombing happen?

Japanese sending 353 airplanes with Japanese men in their and headed towards Hawaii where they were veterans there and they attack much of the one part of the Hawaiian islands most damage were from pearl harbor

How did the pearl harbor happen?

Japanese sending 353 airplanes with Japanese men in their and headed towards Hawaii where they were veterans there and they attack much of the one part of the Hawaiian islands most damage were from pearl harbor

How did us defeat japan during Pearl Harbor attack?

Because Pearl Harbor was only one military base in the US out of 737 total. The attack on Pearl Harbor killed 2390 people. The US military has over one million enlisted personnel. It would be like removing one bee from a bee hive and wondering why you still got stung by the other bees.

How much money did Pearl Harbor gross worldwide?

Pearl Harbor grossed $449,239,855 worldwide.

What effect did the attack on Pearl Harbor have on America's decision whether or not to join the allies in World War 2?

The attack on Pearl Harbor left no doubt it was time to step up to the plate and fight Japan and her ally Germany. They were incensed about the bombing of Pearl Harbor. At the end of the war when they found the concentration camps many Americans wished they had gone against Hitler much sooner.

How much money did Pearl Harbor gross domestically?

Pearl Harbor grossed $198,539,855 in the domestic market.

How much does it cost to get in Pearl Harbor?

it is free

In regards to the bombing of Pearl Harbor what is a 'zero'?

The Zero was the primary Japanese Fighter at the time. It was much better than any plane than the US had. Killed a bunch of our guy's until we caught up.

How many days in advance did America tell Japan that we were going to bomb them?

We gave the same warning they gave us before bombing Pearl Harbor - none. We started bombing them within a few months of the Pearl Harbor attack. Look for information on Doolittle's Raid. Now if you mean how much warning did we give them that we were going to use the atomic bomb, again the answer is none. We were at war and had been bombing them for several years. They were beaten and had been given the opportunity to surrender, but refused to do so until we demonstrated our ability to totally eliminate their homeland.

What happened to countries that was bombed?

They suffered damage. How much damage depends on how much bombing they suffered and how accurate it was.

How much did the movie pearl harbor gross?

It cost 140 million dollars to make the hit movie Pearl Harbor.

How much money did it cost the Japanese to bomb the us during Pearl Harbor?

the japanase spen over 100,000 dollars on the attack on pearl harbor