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903,646 metric tonnes in 2011.

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Q: How much cocoa does Ghana produce every year?
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How much money do the people of Ghana get for cocoa?


How much cocoa does Ghana sell to other countries?

For the cocoa year 2008-09, Ghana exported 703,000 metric tons of cocoa, making it the second largest cocoa exporter in the world. That amount is a slight increase from the 680,000 tons exported during the previous cocoa year. (Reuters report 5 October 2009.)

What does Ghana produce?

Gold, Silver, Diamond, and much much more

How much money is made every year from chocolate sales?

It depends on the value of the cocoa crop and demand, but the current annual market value of the cocoa crop is $5.1 Billion Dollars. The United States produce approximately 13 Billion in retail sales every year.

How much cocoa is in a chocolate bar?

A cocoa pod contains so much cocoa to make up to 100- 500 chocolate bars

How did the people in Ghana use their resources and economic skills to build the empire rich?

There are various resources available in Ghana. Gold is the resource that mainly helped Ghana to become wealthy. Other resources include cocoa, diamond, oil and so much more.

What are three economic questions that every country must answer?

What to produce. How to produce. and How much to produce.

What are three economic questions every country must answer?

What to produce. How to produce. and How much to produce.

How much are farmers paid in Ghana?

Farmers are not paid in Ghana, because they are self employed and like all self employed they sell their output (farm produce) to get income and make a living.

What are the three economic questions that every country must answer?

What to produce. How to produce. and How much to produce.

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Is Lagos bigger than Ghana?

Ghana is much bigger than Lagos.