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The Louisiana purchase doubled the size of the original US.

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Q: How much bigger was the us after the Louisiana territory was bought?
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How much money was the Louisiana territory bought for?


The US bought the Louisiana Territory for an average cost of how much per acre?

Less than 3 cents per acre.

Who bought the louisiana territory from spain?

No. The United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from France. Spain once owned Louisiana as a result of the Treaty of Paris in 1763. But, the French got it back with a secret treaty in 1800. Presient Jefferson used the Louisiana Purchase as a result, gaining much land.

How much did Thomas Jefferson par for the Louisiana territory?

About $15 million dollars for the whole Louisiana Territory

How much money did they sell the Louisiana territory?

The Louisiana Territory cost 15 million dollars and was sold in 1803 by France to the United States of America.

How much did congress pay for the entire Louisiana Territory?


Was there a Louisiana treaty?

The Louisiana Purchase occurred during Thomas Jefferson's term as the United States president. Land had been bought by the United States from France. However, the United States did not know how much land it had bought. Jefferson sent an expedition to map the new territory. This was known as the Lewis and Clark expedition.

How much did Oregon territory cost?

Oregon was not bought.

What territory did Lewis and Clark explore that was purchased from France?

The Louisiana Territory, which comprised much of the central and midwestern United States, from Louisiana in the south up to the dakotas in the north.

How much did Jefferson purchase the Louisiana Territory?

15 millions dollar

How much did the US for the Louisiana territory?

$15 million or 3,750,00 francs was the price for the Louisiana Territory. The 1803 agreement was known as the Louisiana Purchase, whereby the French gave up their claims to the western Mississippi valley.

How much did Napoleon sell the Louisiana Territory for?

11,250,000 not including the cancellation of debts .