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Q: How might the growth of cities have affected the Italian culture?
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What problems affected American cities in the 1800s?

rapid growth. :)

What problem affected American cities in the mid-1800?

rapid growth. :)

What problems affected American cities in the mid 1800s?

rapid growth. :)

How is economic growth affected by culture?

The more economic growth, the more people migrate there, and thus various cultures mix and change.

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Enough food was produced to feed growing populations

What problems affected American cities in the mid-1800s?

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What is the revival of Greek and Roman culture and the economic growth of the Italian city-states in the 1400s known as?

European Renaissance

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The three phases of Northern Industrialization affected the growth of cites by leading to more job opportunities. With more jobs available, more people moved to the cities looking for work. This caused cities to grow.

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The three phases of Northern Industrialization affected the growth of cites by leading to more job opportunities. With more jobs available, more people moved to the cities looking for work. This caused cities to grow.

How did the Plague affect the growth of towns?

The Black Death hit the culture of towns and cities disproportionately hard, although rural areas (where most of the population lived at the time) were also significantly affected. ... Cities were also striking filthy, infested with lice, fleas, and rats, and subject to diseases caused my malnutrition and poor hygiene.

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It spurred the growth of suburbs by making it easy for people to travel in and out of cities from their suburban homes. -Marcoo Aragon

How has growth of industry affected cities in western Europe?

it has affected the industry because they got in war and they turned weak and couldn't work anymore but now it is getting stronger and getting on track.