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Q: How might the complaints of a peasant and merchant compare?
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What is the typical medieval peasant home?

The medieval peasant home was a cottage, which at that time might have been called a cot or a penty. They were very simple structures, and might be called huts today.

How might you compare and contrast the success and failure of Tubman foreign policy?

Assuming you are referring to Harriet Tubman, she did not have a foreign policy.

I have to write a declaration of independence against your parents for school please help?

You always want to start it by saying why your fighting against them. The second part you might want to explain some of the complaints you have. The last part confirm that you will no longer follow there rules.

Where the peasant met the king?

A meeting of historical significance was between King Richard II of England and the leader of the Peasant Revolt, Wat Tyler. This happened at London, in the area called Smithfield, on June 15, 1381. At the meeting, the Lord Mayor of London killed Wat Tyler with his sword. Otherwise, this question might refer to a place where a tree grew near Paris. King Louis IX of France was known for sitting under a certain tree outside Paris and talking with anyone who wanted to speak with him, including peasants.

Why do the pharaohs might have wanted the support of nobles?

The pharaohs not only wanted more power they knew that the noble will probably support them back. The pharaohs knew that they couldn't control all the peasant, merchants and craftsmen all by themselves so they tried to establish good relationship with the nobles who could at like overseers for the kingdom.

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Different kinds of customer complaints?

In a dining establishment there are a variety of different kinds of customer complaints that you might encounter. One might be about the quality of the food. You might also get complaints about the service, or professionalism of the staff. A complaint about cleanliness is also something that one in this type of business might get.

What is the typical medieval peasant home?

The medieval peasant home was a cottage, which at that time might have been called a cot or a penty. They were very simple structures, and might be called huts today.

What are complaints that someone might have about a pizza delivery?

its cold

What might a peasant do if he or she wanted to raise his or her status her status?

my bubble gum

What does a merchant do in ancient sumer?

the might trade water for obsidian

3 jobs a peasant man might have to do in the middle ages?

cooking, farming, and being mades

Why would a peasant want to live in a town?

Towns had a greater variety of things to do than the manorial villages. A villein or peasant might also have had skills that could not be used on a manor, but which were in demand in a town.

Where might one compare auto warranties?

One might compare auto warranties in many different places. For example, one might compare auto warranties in a newspaper ad, in a magazine ad, or even on the internet.

Is a peasant a farm worker?

Not necessarily. A peasant is a person of low social status who typically lives in a rural area and works on the land, which can include farming, but may also involve other activities such as animal husbandry or forestry. The term "peasant" can encompass a range of occupations beyond just farm work.

Can you borrow a Webkinz username and passwords?

NO, because there would be a lot of complaints and it might not work anyway.. hoped i helped!

What are some examples of when you might need to compare numbers?

when you want to compare numbers to which is greater, lower or even equal

A compare-and-contrast essay might have the purpose of?

all the above