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With a really good King or Queen and a bunch of loyal followers.

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If they gave the colonists representation in the British Parliament and put taxation to a minimum. I they would have met the colonists demands the colonists would not have rebelled

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Q: How might have England been able to successfully enforce its rule on the colonies without causing rebellion?
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Shays rebellion was cause by this problem?

Shays Rebellion was caused by foreclosures on farmers properties.

How did the colonies protest England's new laws-?

The American colonies protested England's new laws through a variety of methods. These included organized boycotts of British goods, signing petitions, creating Sons of Liberty groups to resist and protest British actions, and engaging in acts of civil disobedience such as the Boston Tea Party.

Why is a king good to have?

kings are there to rule over the place that they rule over. they make the major decsions and there the one that takes the heat if something goes wrong. some kings were powerhungry and others were amazing leaders. for example king george the 3rd was the king of brittain when the colonies wanted there independence. he taxed them because he need to pay for a war that England fought in and he thought that raising the taxes would help England get out of debt quicker but it ended up causing a war between England and its American colonies.

What American product was taxed 25 percent causing a rebellion?

Home-distilled whiskey, during the presidency of George Washington.

List three reasons Why did the colonists want to be independent from England.?

taxation with out representationTHE NAVIGATION ACT all goods coming and going to the colonies had to go threw England first THE STAMP ACT all documents were taxed newspapers playing cards if it was on paper it was tax NO REPRESENTATION the 2 acts above were taxes imposed by British parliament to pay for a British military presence (witch was mostly made of colonel militia)with out consultation of any colonies causing hardships to the people living there TAXATION WITH OUT REPRESENTATION tired of the no choice the colonies banded together to force England to give them a say witch didn't go over to well with the king of England who was using monies collected for financing other conquestfirst congresswhat did the colonists want from England

Related questions

Shays rebellion was cause by this problem?

Shays Rebellion was caused by foreclosures on farmers properties.

How did economic depression lead to Shay's rebellion?

The U.S. had owed debt to England, causing them to tax farmers. Increasing on land taxes.

How was actions of the British parliament harmful to the colonies?

They were oppressing taxes on the colonies, and it was causing the colonies money.

How did the colonies protest England's new laws-?

The American colonies protested England's new laws through a variety of methods. These included organized boycotts of British goods, signing petitions, creating Sons of Liberty groups to resist and protest British actions, and engaging in acts of civil disobedience such as the Boston Tea Party.

What did the price of the tea have to do with the Boston Tea Party?

it cost alot and the colonies were being taxed on the tea so they dumped the tea in to the port

Could the American War of Independence have been avoided?

No I personally couldn't have but... It is completely hypothetical but some say, yes, the war could have been avoided. It is important to note that the Revolutionary War had its roots back a century to the Glorious Revolution of England, when King Charles I threatened to make New England a royal colony under his direct control. However over the next century, the English turned to a "salutary neglect" policy which left the colonies to govern themselves. You know the rest when King George attempted to recontrol and restrict the economy and government of the colonies in the 1760s and 1770s. This started the war. There are a few schools of thought of how King George could have regained control over the colonies without causing rebellion. 1. England could have continued its policy of "salutary neglect" and loosened its reign over the colonies, allowing them to become a sort of commonwealth. Hopefully, this would encourage loyalty to the crown, but it would have not been as profitable. 2. One radical thought is that England could have allowed partial independence to the New England colonies, where the rebellion began. After all, the South tended to be more sympathic to the English. No I personally couldn't have but... It is completely hypothetical but some say, yes, the war could have been avoided. It is important to note that the Revolutionary War had its roots back a century to the Glorious Revolution of England, when King Charles I threatened to make New England a royal colony under his direct control. However over the next century, the English turned to a "salutary neglect" policy which left the colonies to govern themselves. You know the rest when King George attempted to recontrol and restrict the economy and government of the colonies in the 1760s and 1770s. This started the war. There are a few schools of thought of how King George could have regained control over the colonies without causing rebellion. 1. England could have continued its policy of "salutary neglect" and loosened its reign over the colonies, allowing them to become a sort of commonwealth. Hopefully, this would encourage loyalty to the crown, but it would have not been as profitable. 2. One radical thought is that England could have allowed partial independence to the New England colonies, where the rebellion began. After all, the South tended to be more sympathic to the English. ***************************************************** Yes, of course it could have been preventable

Why is a king good to have?

kings are there to rule over the place that they rule over. they make the major decsions and there the one that takes the heat if something goes wrong. some kings were powerhungry and others were amazing leaders. for example king george the 3rd was the king of brittain when the colonies wanted there independence. he taxed them because he need to pay for a war that England fought in and he thought that raising the taxes would help England get out of debt quicker but it ended up causing a war between England and its American colonies.

Did the congress print too much money causing terrible rebellion at the beginning or end of the Britain war?

the correct answer is No

What American product was taxed 25 percent causing a rebellion?

Home-distilled whiskey, during the presidency of George Washington.

At the end of the Britain war did the congress print too much money causing terrible rebellion or before?


List three reasons Why did the colonists want to be independent from England.?

taxation with out representationTHE NAVIGATION ACT all goods coming and going to the colonies had to go threw England first THE STAMP ACT all documents were taxed newspapers playing cards if it was on paper it was tax NO REPRESENTATION the 2 acts above were taxes imposed by British parliament to pay for a British military presence (witch was mostly made of colonel militia)with out consultation of any colonies causing hardships to the people living there TAXATION WITH OUT REPRESENTATION tired of the no choice the colonies banded together to force England to give them a say witch didn't go over to well with the king of England who was using monies collected for financing other conquestfirst congresswhat did the colonists want from England

What king accused of causing the break between the colonies and the mother county?

King George III