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people settled down to make beer out of barley and such

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Q: How might beer have influenced the transition from hunting and gathering to agricultural?
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Related questions

How much longer did the hunting gathering stage last than did the agricultural revolution?

The hunting and gathering stage lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, while the agricultural revolution took place around 10,000 years ago. Therefore, the hunting and gathering stage lasted much longer than the agricultural revolution.

What inventions changed the hunting and gathering society into an agricultural society?

no it dident

When did agricultural take place?

The shift to an agricultural lifestyle, also known as the Agricultural Revolution, began around 10,000 years ago. It marked a significant transition from hunting and gathering to the cultivation of crops and the domestication of animals, leading to settled communities and the development of civilizations.

When did the agrarian or agricultural start?

The agrarian or agricultural revolution began around 10,000 years ago, marking the transition from hunting and gathering to settled farming practices. This shift allowed for the development of permanent settlements, surplus food production, and the establishment of complex societies.

Did hunters and gatherers start 10000 BC?

Hunting and gathering was the primary means of subsistence for humans from their beginning until the agricultural revolution around 6,000 B.C. Even today, some people still rely on hunting and gathering. Hunting and gathering didn't "start," there was no means of survival before hunting and gathering.

Did hunter gatherers farm?

No, hunter-gatherers did not engage in farming. They relied on hunting and gathering food from the natural environment to sustain themselves. Farming practices developed later in human history with the transition to agricultural societies.

What are the four stages of cultural evolution?

hunting and gathering, pastoralism and nomadism, agricultural, and finally a stage of commerce

The change from hunting and gathering to settled agricultural societies in Europe occurred first in which environment?

River Valleys

What is the Neolithic or agricultural revolution?

The Neolithic Revolution was a period of transition from hunting and gathering to settled agricultural societies. It marked the development of farming, domestication of animals, and the establishment of permanent settlements. This revolution led to significant changes in human societies, including the growth of population and the emergence of complex social structures.

What is the time from 8000 bc to 4000 bc called?

The time period from 8000 BC to 4000 BC is known as the Neolithic Age, which is characterized by the development of agriculture and the domestication of plants and animals. This period marks the transition from hunting and gathering to settled agricultural societies.

Explain how hunting and gathering influenced early stone age communities?

Hunting and gathering were essential for survival in early Stone Age communities as they provided food and resources necessary for sustenance. This lifestyle shaped their social structure and division of labor, with roles being divided based on gender or age for hunting and gathering activities. It also influenced their migratory patterns, as groups followed the seasonal availability of food sources.

The real change in the Neolithic revolution was the?

transition from hunting and gathering to settled agricultural communities. This shift allowed for the development of permanent settlements, the domestication of plants and animals, and the advancement of tools and technology. It laid the foundation for more complex societies and the eventual rise of civilization.