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Q: How might American response to wounded knee change how native Americans perceived the offer of the Dawes act?
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How many Americans were killed during the Revolutionary War?

According to the World Book encyclopedia, there were 25,700 Americans killed, and 10,000 British killed.

In which war were more than 1 million American killed or wounded?

Since Americans were killing Americans, it was the US Civil War (aka American Civil War).

What was the last major battle between white American and Native Americans?

battle at wounded knee

How many Americans were killed or wounded during the Battle of Bunker Hill?

American casualties at the Battle of Bunker Hill were: 140 dead, 271 wounded and 30 captured.

What is the significance of wounded knee?

The Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890 was the last major engagement between Native Americans and the American military. In all, about 300 Native Americans were killed and left to freeze on the wintry South Dakota ground.

How many Americans were wounded at Pearl Harbor?

1,178 wounded, this is civilians & military.

What was the last battle between white Americans and the Indians?

The Battle of Wounded Knee was the last major battle between white American and the Indians.

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Because after the battle 163 badly wounded Tories were abandoned on the field by the Americans.

What was the major battle between white Americans and the Indians?

The Battle of Wounded Knee was the last major battle between white American and the Indians.

What was the last major battle between Americans and Indians?

The Battle of Wounded Knee was the last major battle between white American and the Indians.

What was the importance of wounded knee?

Wounded knee accelerated the removal of Native Americans to reservations.

How many people fought in the battle of cowpens?

12 Americans died 60 Americans wounded 100 Britiah died 200 British wounded