About 100,000 Americans went to other countries, or remained in hiding in the United States; about 50% to 90% of these are believed to have gone to Canada.
According to official Canadian estimates about 125,000 Americans immigrated to Canada during the Vietnam War period. Not all of these would have been draft dodgers.
many young men were drafted
You were put in jail. Which is why a number of young men went to Canada.
Young men in America during the late 1960's to early 1970's who were afraid to fight in Vietnam.
The military draft. Which groups? Those that were effected by the military draft; young men and their supporters (wives, girlfriends, sisters, cousins, etc. etc. etc.).
The draft used in Vietnam was called the Selective Service System. It was implemented to conscript eligible young men into the military, where they would be required to serve in the Vietnam War. The draft lottery was used to determine the order in which individuals would be called up for service.
many young men were drafted
It is estimated that approximately 50,000 Americans went to Canada in order to avoid the draft. The Vietnam War lasted from 1959 to 1975.
The Vietnam War had 16 million men that avoided US military service (dodged the draft).
You were put in jail. Which is why a number of young men went to Canada.
Going to Canada.
The draft was when young men were randomly selected to go to war. you had no choice unless you were a senators son or wealthy, search fortunate son on youtube, its the song regarding this.
Young men in America during the late 1960's to early 1970's who were afraid to fight in Vietnam.
All three nations conscripted their men. All able bodied men were eligible for the draft.
The military draft. Which groups? Those that were effected by the military draft; young men and their supporters (wives, girlfriends, sisters, cousins, etc. etc. etc.).
The draft used in Vietnam was called the Selective Service System. It was implemented to conscript eligible young men into the military, where they would be required to serve in the Vietnam War. The draft lottery was used to determine the order in which individuals would be called up for service.
A few rejected the draft and headed for Canada.
NOT too many young men want to have their heads shaved to the skin; be yelled at by complete strangers, and have to do PHYSICAL training; ALL AGAINST THEIR WILL. Regimentation and discipline (the military) is not liked by most draft dodgers.