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In genealogy-related activity, a generation is the time from the birth of a child to the birth of that child's child. That has traditionally been taken to be 20-25 years, much less than a lifetime. In recent years, with more people having children later in life, some have taken to using 33 years as a generation.

There is no hard and fast rule.

In some places, a generation can be as short as 14 years.

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a generation is usually considered 20 years

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Q: How many years separate a generation?
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How long does a generation live?

There is no specific definition. Many people use 20 years as a general estimate, but it varies. Some use 25 years and some are beginning to use 33 years. A father can be 60 years older than his son and that would make that generation 60 years.

How many years make a generation by the Jewish calendar before Christ?

Well, The jews are still looking for a Messiah, however if you mean by the New Testament standard I believe they designate a generation as around 25 years.

What is considered a generation?

20 years has been considered to be a generation. However, with many people in industrialized countries waiting until their 30s to have their first child, some are now considering one generation to be 25 or even 30 years. Also, in a non-quantitative sense, one generation is simply the children of one person or couple, and the next generation is all the grandchildren of that person or couple, and so on for each succeeding generation.

What does 20 years mean in history?

twenty years is a decade, or a generation

How many generations from the exodus from Egypt until now?

The sum of years considered to be a generation has changed over time and has many different answers. When we study the Scriptures, it becomes clear that the length of a generation differs from one historic period to the next. We find that the generation of the earlier history of man were longer, because people lived longer and tended to marry later in life. One of the genealogies in the New Testament says this: "So all the generation from Abraham to David are fourteen generation, from David until the captivity in Babylon are fourteen generation, and from the captivity in Babylon until the Christ are fourteen generation " (Matt. 1:17, NKJV). Each of these three groupings were summed up as 14 generations. Yet, they did not last the same number of years. In fact, the average generation in the period from Abraham to David was approximately 64 years, but the average generation from David to the Babylonian captivity and from that captivity to Christ was about 38 years. As Abraham died approximately 400 years before the Exodus commonly dated to circa BC 1446. King David reigned approximately 400 years after the Exodus. So to make it a simple approximation and using 40 years as a length of an average generation, then BC 1446 to AD 2012 would be 3, 458 years plus 1 for the missing year never counted in our modern calendar. So 3, 459 years divided by 40 is approximately 851 generations post the Exodus.