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How Long Did Thomas Alva Edison Live? From 1847 to 1931

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Q: How many years and days did Thomas Alva Edison live?
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2 important days of Thomas Edison?

in 1871 thomas Edison marries Mary stilwell and in the 1920s thomas Edison invents the light bulb

How many days did it take Thomas Edison to invent the light bulb?

He invented the incandescent light bulb and it took him 12 years.

How long did it take for Thomas Edison to write the Declaration of Independence?

about 6 months EDIT: Edison lived a century after the American Revolution. Thomas JEFFERSON was the author of the Declaration. It took him seventeen days.

How were each of Thomas Alva Edison's inventions so helpful?

Thomas Edison's important inventions were the light bulb to help people see, the electric pen for writing, the phonograph and more. His inventions helped people to have more productive days and to be able to communicate more effectively.

How did Thomas Edison get a coma?

There is no record of Thomas Edison ever being in a coma. Edison passed away in 1931 from complications of diabetes.

How does Thomas Edison's invention of the phonograph help us now in days?

The lightulb because it with out it we have done nothing at night

Who invented the kinetograph?

The kinetograph was invented by Thomas Edison and his team at the Edison Laboratory. It was a motion picture camera used in the early days of cinema to capture moving images on film.

How can you get Edisons renegade currency?

There is no such thing as Edison's Renegade Currency. Thomas Edison tried to re-invent the dollar but the government would not allow it, so it never happened. These days Bitcoin is called a renegade currency.

What was Thomas Edison known for?

Thomas Edison was known for inventing the phonograph, the incandescent light bulb, and the motion picture camera. He held over 1,000 patents during his lifetime and is considered one of the greatest inventors in American history.

How many days did it take for thomas Edison to get a patent?

It varied based on the level of complexity of the claim, and even the business of the patent office. One of his later patents took more than 10 years to be awarded; he'd been dead for a year and a half by the time it was done.

What age was Sir Thomas Andrew when he died?

Sir Thomas Andrews died when he was 39 years, 2months and 8 days old :(

What electric device did Thomas Edison invent?

He was the co-inventor of the electric light bulb. In fact, the other inventor ( the Scotsman Joseph Swan) filed for his patent 6 days before Edison. Technically this makes Swan the inventor, but after a long and costly lawsuit they agreed to share the invention, and formed the Ediswan company.