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5,000 years ago.

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Q: How many years ago did humans move from the Stone Age to the Bronze age?
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How many years did humans live in ancient china before they learned how to farm?

100 years?

Where did the bronze age take place?

The Bronze Age did not take place in "One Place" rather many scattered regions around the world during 2300 B.C to somewhere around 700 B.C

Which age came first the bronze age or the Paleolithic age?

The prehistory and history of humans are often classified by the tools and technology used at certain periods of time. The three main periods are the stone age, bronze age and iron age (they occurred in that order), but sometimes these are divided further. Chronologically, the paleolithic age (old stone age) came first, then the neolithic age (the new stone age), then the copper age (a brief transition period for most cultures exempting a few such as Egypt), then the bronze age, then the iron age. We are currently in a portion of the iron age in which the most common metal used for tools is steel (an alloy made by mixing iron with small amounts of carbon), though we also use many other metals including aluminum, zinc and tungsten.

Did bronze lead to further inventions?

The discovery of Bronze gave merit to the alloying of metals. Metalworkers quickly created more durable bronze versions of many previously stone, wood, ivory or copper tools. The unique properties of Bronze inspired its use in seafaring, construction, cannonry, mechanics, woodworking, mold-cast scuptures, and music. Additionally, language and writing seem to have evolved at a greater rate in cultures that adopted or invested in Bronze technology.

Where did the Rosetta stone come from?

The Rosetta stone came from a town named Rosetta which is of course in Egypt. It was found many years ago.

Related questions

How many years in a bronze wedding anniversary?

The bronze anniversary celebrates 8yrs of marriage.

How many years in a bronze jubilee?

A bronze jubilee typically refers to 8 years of commemoration or celebration.

What new technology marks the bronze age?

Humans made many technological advances during the Bronze Age, including the first writing systems and the invention of the wheel.

How many years did people try and decipher the Rosetta stone?

It took 22 years to decipher the Rosetta Stone.22 years

What are statues made out of?

They can be made out of many materials. The most common material is limestone.

How did early humans most likely live during the stone age?

many humans used obsidian which is volcanic rock to make tools in the stone age like dagger and other things.

How did they discover the bronze?

Bronze Was Discover In 3500 BC by a unknown animal, person or thing. It Is used commonly today for many things such as medals and Maximilian and many more.

How many years longer have dinosaurs lived on earth than humans?

Dinosaurs - about 150 million years. Humans - about 1 million years.

How many years have humans used bridges?

about 1 thousand years

Humans have existed for how many years?

100,000 years, approximately.

How many years did humans live in ancient china before they learned how to farm?

100 years?

Which stone cannot sink?

Pumice stone does not sink in water unless it has been floating for many years.