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They didn't wage war on each other.

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Q: How many wars where there between the Spartans?
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Who were the peloponnesian wars fought between?

Athens and Spartans

How many wars did the Spartans lose?

1 or 2

What wars were the Spartans involved in?

The Spartans were involved in the Persian Wars, particularly the battle of Thermopylae (where 300 Spartans famously held off the Persians), the Peloponnesian War (against the Athenians), and other minor skirmishes with neighboring city states, which usually ended with the Spartans conquering the other city state.

Will master chief appear in halo wars?

No but other Spartans appear. This takes place before the majority of the Spartans were killed.

The difference between Spartans and Athens?

Spartans had a better armty

How do you make more Spartans in halo wars skirmish?

Unfortunatly You Can Only Make 3 Spartans At One Time Other Than In Campaign.

Who r the Spartans?

Yes. Spartans live in the Greek city state of Sparta.

What wars are in Greece?

The wars in Greece are about the Spartans were able to beat the Helots even though they were outnumbered 7 to 1.I hope that help.

What is the difference between Spartans and ODSTS in halo?

ODST are ventrans spartans are super solder simple

What is the difference between Halo and Star Wars Republic Commando?

Nothing. If you changed the Clone Troopers to Spartans and the Tranoshians to Elites, you would have turned Republic Commando into Halo. Nuff said.

Is halo wars the ending of the game?

No, It is not. It's actually supposed to take place in between Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2You can tell by looking a the Spartans armor its mark V

The Spartans and Persians fought the wars between the years of?

The Spartans and Persians did not fight a war. The Spartans were part of a coalition of Greek states which opposed the Persian invasion of mainland Greece 480-479 BCE. A Spartan force under King Agesilaos II invaded Persian Asia Minor in 396-395, liberating Greek cities and looting, but was withdrawn to face troubles at home.