There are 47 vice presidents from John Adams Jr. to Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.
14 presidents served as vice president before becoming president
No, there are no presidents or vice presidents from Colorado.
The last time the total number of Presidents and Vice Presidents was the same was near the end of the 19th century, when McKinley was President and Hobart was Vice President. Then after Vice President Hobart died McKinley needed a new running mate. When he was reelected, Theodore Roosevelt was his new Vice President, and the number of V.P.'s then exceeded the number of Presidents by one. The difference of one remained until Franklin Roosevelt was President. He changed Vice Presidents twice (he had a total of three). So at that point, when Roosevelt started his 4th term, the total of vice presidents was three more than the total of presidents. The difference of three remained until Gerald Ford was appointed to replace Vice President Agnew, who resigned in 1973. The difference then became four, where it remains to this day (43 presidents and 47 vice presidents).
282 if you count each once
no, this way if the president dies, the vice president is still there to replace him
There are 18 Vice Presidents world wide.
Four U. S. Presidents had no Vice President:John TylerMillard FillmoreAndrew JohnsonChester A. Arthur
I know sixteen u s presidents were governors before they were elected but I can't find out how many vice presidents were governnersbefore
14 presidents served as vice president before becoming president
No, there are no presidents or vice presidents from Colorado.
The presidents either died or resigned, and their vice presidents took office, or the vice presidents were elected on their own.
I don't think the United States Postal Service has any vice presidents; just postmasters.
one thousand
Only one at a time.
about 5,000