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Since the 1940s, there have been a total of five persons who served as Vice President who later became President. Harry S. Truman who was elected Vice President for Franklin Delano Roosevelt's fourth Presidential term, became the 33rd President after Roosevelt died in office on April 12, 1945. President Truman was elected to the Presidency in his own right in 1948. This election victory was a surprise to some. A very famous picture of President Truman holding a copy of the Chicago Sun Times, the front page of which reads Dewey defeats Truman, has entered the collective consciousness. Finally, in the election of 1952, President Truman was defeated by Dwight David Eisenhour. Lyndon Baines Johnson who was elected Vice President for President John Fitzgerald Kennedy's term as the 35th U.S. President, was sworn in as the 36th U.S. President on November 22, 1963, following the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. To date, President Lyndon Baines Johnson is the only President to be sworn in by a female judge. President Lyndon Baines Johnson was elected to the Presidency in his own right in the election of 1964. Richard Milhous Nixon who was elected Vice President for both of President Dwight David Eisenhour's terms as the 34th U.S. President, was elected as the 37th U.S. President. President Richard Milhous Nixon was re-elected in 1972. However, President Richard Milhous Nixon resigned the Presidency in 1974. Gerald Ford ascended to the Vice Presidency to replace Spiro Agnew who resigned as Vice President for President Richard Milhous Nixon amid a financial corruption scandal. Later, in 1974 when President Richard Milhous Nixon resigned, Vice President Gerald Ford became the 38th U.S. President. President Gerald Ford lost the election of 1976 to Jimmy Carter. George Herbert Walker Bush who was elected Vice President for both of President Ronald Reagan's terms as the 40th U.S. President, was elected as the 41st U.S. President in 1988. He was not re-elected in 1992.

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13y ago

Seven people who served as Vice-President later became President during the 1900's.

Theodore Roosevelt was the first to do so. He served as Vice-President from March 4 - September 14, 1901 before assuming the office of President after President William McKinley's death from the bullet of an assassin.

Others in the 1900's who served as Vice-President and later became President include Calvin Coolidge (V.P. 1921-1923; President 1923-1929); Harry S. Truman (V.P. January-April, 1945; President 1945-1953); Richard Nixon (V.P. 1953-1961; President 1969-1974); Lyndon B. Johnson (V.P. 1961-1963; President 1963-1969); Gerald Ford (V.P. 1973-1974; President 1974-1977); and George H.W. Bush (V.P. 1981-1989; President 1989-1993).

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14y ago

Seven (President they were VP to): John Adams (Washington, both terms), Thomas Jefferson (Adams) Martin Van Buren (Jackson, 2nd term), John Tyler* (William H Harrison), Millard Filmore* (Zachary Taylor), Andrew Johnson* (Lincoln, 2nd term), Chester A Arthur* (James Garfield) * the last four (marked with '*')were never elected to the Presidency in their own right, but ascended to the office when the President died (the first two of illness, the others by assassination)

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16y ago

7 in the 20th century some were elected and some took office with the death of the presedent.

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