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None according to Giles R Wright, president of the Afro American history program at the New Jersey historical commission, quoted in Origins of the Specious by Patricia O'Conner. There are only a few surviving examples of quilts sewn by slaves for their own use, and none show secret codes. Wright gives three main reasons for discounting the story of secret codes sewn into slave quilts.

1) No quilts survive

2) None of the former slaves interviewed by the works progress administration in the 1930s mention the quilts

3) Not one of the diaries or memoirs from the time mentioned them

The earliest mention of secret codes hidden in quilts is 1987.

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Q: How many underground railroad quilts are there?
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They included maps to safe houses along the route north.

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It helped lead them to the safe houses in the underground railroad. Different patterns meant different things.

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about how many slaves used the underground railroad, which was about 100,000.

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It is an estimate that 3,000 people worked on the underground railroad.

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The Underground railroad helped many slaves to freedom.

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People hung lanterns at their houses at night, and sew a blue square on their quilts that they hung to tell it was a safe house. These were some of the common ones used, but there are many others used.

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over 300 slaves were saved in the underground railroad, by harriet tubman.

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No one knows the exact number of slaves that traveled on the underground railroad, but there were thousands that did.

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No it is known as the underground railroad as it was hidden from sight

What is the name of the railroad that Harriet Tubman worked on?

The Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad.