

Best Answer

1. Bitmap

2. Vector

3. Colour Depth

4. Resolution

5. Jpg

6. GIF

7. PNG



There are only two types of Computer Graphics-

1. Raster Graphics.

2. Vector Graphics.

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Why are computer graphics essential?

Computer graphic development has had a significant impact on many types of media.

Give two main types of computer graphics?

raster and vector

Which is the software for computer graphics?

There are many product for computer graphics. A couple of examples are Windows Paint and Adobe Photo Shop.

Why is a computer good for graphics?

Depending on the graphics card in your computer it will state the graphics you have

How many types of graphics cards are there?

There are four types of graphics card available today: integrated,the AGP, the PCI, and PCI Express.

Define computer graphics and interactive computer graphics?

Interactive Computer graphics are graphics created using computer and, the representation and manipulation of image data by a computer.The development of computer graphics, has made computers easier to interact with, and better for understanding and interpreting many types of data. Developments in computer graphics have had a profound impact on many types of media and have revolutionized animation, movies and the video game industry.

What is the difference between graphics and art?

Many times, when people are talking about graphics and art, they are talking about the same thing. Graphics are computer generated.

Passive computer graphics?

Its just an another name of non - interactive graphics. Actually interactive and non - interactive graphics are a classification of computer graphics on the basis of interaction of the computer graphics system towards users.

What are Points and lines in computer graphics?

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What are the common examples of computer graphics?

computer graphics are used in games. films are also produced by computer graphics.

What do you mean by interactive and passive computer graphics. also explain how does an interactive computer graphics works?

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When was Computer Graphics Metafile created?

Computer Graphics Metafile was created in 1986.