The Turks won the battle of Gallipoli Strategically Gallipoli was a very bold, imaginative plan which could have had far reaching consequences. The straight answer to the question is Turkey. Had the British, using many Commonwealth troops, pushed into the peninsula much more vigorously and ejected the defenders in the early days of the campaign then the link between Western Europe & Russia by sea in the Mediterranean might have been established.
British, French, Turks, Australians, New Zealanders, Cypriots, Jews
The enemy were the Ottoman Turks.
It is important because its where they had war and many people lost their lives in Gallipoli
Your question is confused. ANZAC troops defintely saw action against the Ottoman Empire in the east at places like Gallipolli, but the term, the Eastern Front, refers to the War in the East in EUROPE, against the Russians by the Germans up til the Russian revolution & surrender in 1917. So, to conclude, ANZAC troops definitely saw action in the East, but NOT on the Eastern front. Hope this clears up your question.
2721 New Zealanders died
British, French, Turks, Australians, New Zealanders, Cypriots, Jews
why did the Turks go to Galliploi
There was no victory for the ANZACs in Turkey. Sadly, the entire Gallipoli campaign was a failure for everyone but the Turks.
not the anzacs
Mainly the Turks, at Gallipoli.
the Turks had the higher ground
The enemy were the Ottoman Turks.
It wasn't a war. ANZAC stands for Australian & New Zealand Army Corps. They were part of the British invasion force at Gallipoli where they fought the Turks. There were also some German soldiers on the Turks' side. It was called the Gallipoli Campaign and it was during World War One (also called the Great War).
THE Turks
It is important because its where they had war and many people lost their lives in Gallipoli
The brave soldiers fought in Gallipoli.