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The union had many troops no one knows the exact amount!

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Q: How many troops did the Union have during the Civil War?
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How many troops did the Union have in the American Civil War?

Approximately 2.5 million to 2.75 million Union troops served in the American Civil War.

How many Union troops entered the US Civil War through the draft laws?

Only 50,000 Union troops were enlisted on the basis of the draft laws. The Union states continued to raise troops who were volunteers.

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The Union and Confederacy needed more troops after loosing many during all the battles.

How many union citizens during the civil war?

About 22 million citizens lived in the Union during the Civil War

Why did leaders called for African Americans to be allowed to fight in the Civil War?

The Union and Confederacy needed more troops after loosing many during all the battles.

Did the Civil War or the Mexican war come first?

The Mexican War preceded the Civil War. Many of the Officers and Troops on both the Union and Confederate sides received their combat experience during the Mexican War.

Who had more soldiers in the US Civil War?

In the US Civil War, the large population in the Northern states allowed to field many more troops than the South. During the US Civil War, the Union had as many as two million soldiers in uniform. The South had fewer than 900,000 troops in total.

How many troops did California send to fight in the Civil War?

Approximately 15,725 troops from California joined the Union Army during the Civil War. They formed several regiments and served in various campaigns, including the battles in the western theater and the New Mexico Campaign.

How many Pennsylvanians served in the Union Forces during the Civil War?

25,000 served in the motha fckin union forces during the civil war

During the American civil war general sherman believed the union was strong and unbeatable in his march to the sea what did he do with his troops to prove this to the south?

He had them burn Atlanta and many farms on their way.

How many solders were in the union during the civil war?


How many soldiers did the union have during the civil war?
