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Ultimately the British sent well over 1.5 million men into Europe to fight the Germans.

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Q: How many troops did great Britain send to France to end the war?
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Great Britain clashed with troops from?

Great Britain has at some point in history, clashed with troops from many countries.Great Britain has at some point in history, clashed with troops from many countries.

What countries were involved in the french and Indian war?

France and Britain. Also America and many different Native American tribes.

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In many countries, including USA, Great Britain, and France.

What action caused great Britain to declare war on Germany ww2?

German troops invaded Poland on September 1st 1939. On September 3rd, Britain and France declared war on Germany. Germany then went on to attack many other European countries including Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, France, Luxemburg, Britain, Russia and many more Baltic and East European countries.

How many times has tour de France visited great Britain?

No, it is entirely held within France. Many of the team may visit and train in Great Britain prior to the race. *That is completely untrue! The Tour de France is NOT entirely held within France, and any true race fan would know that! In fact, this year they started out in the principality of Monaco (which is NOT in France). While it's MOSTLY in France, the race has also been in Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Luxembourg, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands and Great Britain. So to answer the question, YES the tour has visited Great Britain.

Are shrimps popular in France?

Yes! the word Shrimp and Prawn originated from Great Britain. And in France shrimps are used in many delicious, exotic dishes.

What event provoked the entry of Great Britain into the war?

Germany had invaded Belgium and was aiming to France. He took many ships into the Belgium ports so Britain declared to be threatened by the German ships in the Belgium ports. So Great Britain entered the war with France (something which Germany didn't expect).

Did France and Britain governed many countries?

Yes, both France and Britain governed many countries in the past.

What document marked the end of France as a power in North America?

The Treaty of Paris marked the end of France as a power in North America. This particular "Treaty of Paris" is also known as the Treaty of 1763, and it was signed in 1763 by Great Britain, France, and Spain, after Britain's victory in the Seven Years' War. Britain gained many of France's possessions in North America, which is why the treaty marked the end of France as a power in North America.

Which nations comprised the Allied Powers?

France, England, China, Russia, United States

How many British troops are stationed in the US?

there are no British Soldiers stationed in the US because that is an act of war and the US is obviously not fighting Great Britain.

What countries went to war in iraq with us?

Many of the countries were america,austarlia,great britain,elsalvador,poland,hondourus,and few troops from iraq.