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Q: How many stars were on the first US flag?
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How many stars was there on the first flag of the US?

the first flag of the US had 13 stars.

How many stars in us flag from the beginning?

The first US flag had 13 stars, which represented the original 13 colonies.

How many stars had the first US flag?

==13 stars and 13 stripes==

First flag of the US had how many stars?

==13 stars and 13 stripes==

How many stars are there us flag?

There are 50 stars on the US flag

When was the first flag of the US adopted and how many stars did it have?

it was adopted in 1777 and had 13 stars on it

How many stars are on the original us flag today?

there are 13 stars on the us flag

How many flags were on your first American flag?

I believe you meant how many stars were on the first US flag. There is no such thing as the American flag. The first US flag was made up of 13 white stars which were arranged in a circle on a blue background. There was also 13 stripes that was alternating red and white.

How many more stars are on the US flag?

There are 50 stars on the US flag, one for every state

How many stars are their in the us flag?

50 stars.

How many stars US flag have?

50 stars

How many stars were there on the first official US flag?

There were actually 13 stars representing the 13 colonies at the time.