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more than 10,000

nope over 300

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13y ago

over 300 slaves

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Q: How many slaves did Harriet Tubman help?
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Why is Harriet Tubman heroic?

because she help free many slaves using the undergroung railroad

Who was a brave women who helped many slaves?

Harriet Tubman

For how many years did Harriet Tubman free slaves?


Who did harriet help?

if you are talking about Harriet Tubman, she helped over 300 slaves escape on the Underground Railroad to Canada. She was called the "Moses" of her people because she helped so many slaves escape.

How many years did Harriet Tubman work at saving slaves?


How many fugitive slaves did Harriet Tubman help?

Roughly 213. maybe more, maybe less, but that's what i learned...

How many slaves did Harriet Tubman bring with her to the Underground Railroad all together?

About 200 slaves.

How many people did Harriet Tubman help in the underground railroad?

Harriet Tubman helped more than 300 people

What person led many slaves to freedom whose nickname was Moses?

Harriet Tubman

Who was a former slave who led many slaves to the undergrond rail road?

Harriet Tubman

Who was the woman who lead many slaves to freedom among the underground railroad?

Harriet Tubman

Who led so many slaves to freedom he or she was often alled Moses?

Harriet Tubman